The Redemptive Edge

Derwin Sisnett: Dogged Optimism & Bridging the Economic Divide

Episode Summary

Our guest is Derwin Sisnett, founder of Maslow Development, which co-designs and develops real estate and community ecosystems.

Episode Notes

Our guest is Derwin Sisnett, founder of Maslow Development, which co-designs and develops real estate and community ecosystems. In this episode, Derwin reflects on his life’s work to build “communities that people won’t forget, but for all the right reasons.”

Derwin grew up in a struggling neighborhood in Queens, New York, and was singled out as someone with unique gifts and promise, even as he sought to “play by both sets of rules”: the rules of the street and the rules of academic achievement.

As a poet, teacher, school leader, community development executive, real estate developer, and social impact investor—sometimes all at once—Derwin works to bridge the economic divide with projects that integrate education, housing, wellness, and workforce development.

His story is about taking audacious risks against long odds, to “intercede on behalf of what God wants” for the people in his community.